Drosera nana Species Profile
Drosera nana is a diminutive sundew in the section Arachnopus ('indica complex'). It's specific name refers to its small size, with plants typically reaching less than 10 cm in maturity.…
Drosera nana is a diminutive sundew in the section Arachnopus ('indica complex'). It's specific name refers to its small size, with plants typically reaching less than 10 cm in maturity.…
Utricularia dunlopii is a terrestrial bladderwort from tropical Northern Territory and Western Australia. The species is notable for its extremely long filamentous appendages extending from the flower. These antennae extend…
Utricularia capilliflora is a terrestrial bladderwort endemic to the Top End of Australia. The species is named for the hair-like appendages on its flower. These antennae extend from the upper…
Utricularia adamsii is a floating aquatic bladderwort known from Australia. It was described by Jobson in 2020 and was previous considered a form of U. aurea, although phylogenetic analysis shows…
Utricularia simmonsii is a terrestrial bladderwort endemic to tropical Australia. The species produces the smallest known flowers of the genus, measuring around 1 mm across. The wine-red blooms are fairly…
Utricularia dunstaniae is a terrestrial bladderwort endemic to the the Top End of the Northern Territory and Kimberleys of Western Australia. The species is notable for the pair of very…
Drosera kenneallyi is a sundew in the section Lasiocephala (the Petiolaris complex) endemic to the Kimberleys of Western Australia and the Top End of the Northern Territory. The species has…
Drosera falconeri is a species within the section Lasiocephala (Petiolaris complex) endemic to the Darwin area of the Top End. The species is famous for its almost circlar laminae, which…
Utricularia linearis is an affixed aquatic bladderwort endemic to the Northern Territory. The species has a simple white flower roughly 1 cm long. The lower corolla lip flares outwards and…
Carnivorous Plant Time-lapse. These fearsome plants capture their living prey with intricate traps before digesting them for their nutrients. This project by Boaz Ng took over 3.5 years to shoot.…