Drosera salina Species Profile
Drosera salina against the afternoon sun Drosera salina is a species of sundew that grows exclusively on the edge of salt lakes in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. I always…
Drosera salina against the afternoon sun Drosera salina is a species of sundew that grows exclusively on the edge of salt lakes in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. I always…
Western Australia is home to the greatest number of carnivorous plant species anywhere in the world. The south-west of the state is known for its incredibly varied geography, leading to…
For a few weeks near the end of winter, both hot and cold dormant carnivorous plants can be found growing together. This location in a national park in northern Sydney…
Drosera peltata is a winter growing species commonly found around coastal Sydney. It can usually be found growing on seasonally moist moss beds atop sandstone or in shallow peaty deposits.…
Drosera burmannii is a rosetted annual species widely distributed from Asia to Australia. It is usually associated with tropical climates, although it can be found down to Sydney, where it…
Drosera burmanni is one of the most widespread sundews, with a range reaching from East Asia, through South East Asia to Australia. In Sydney, the plants are limited to a few…
March 2020 Update: A new review of the U. dichtoma complex (Jobson 2020) has been published so the information in this article might not reflect the current taxonomy, especially at…
Utricularia uniflora exhibits wide variation in its colouration and petal shape. This seems to be somewhat related to its immediate environment. All these blooms were found on a single cliff…
The cliffs of the Blue Mountains are home to six or seven species of carnivorous plants. Water constantly drips down the vertical walls and creates peat accumulations which support these…
Drosera oblanceolata is a species that grows in the South East corner of China and is the country’s only endemic sundew. The form most common in cultivation originates from Lantau Island…