Utricularia triflora Species Profile
Utricularia triflora is a species of affixed aquatic bladderworth endemic to the Top End of Australia. The species is named for its three-bloomed inflorescence. The flower of U. triflora is…
Utricularia triflora is a species of affixed aquatic bladderworth endemic to the Top End of Australia. The species is named for its three-bloomed inflorescence. The flower of U. triflora is…
Drosera dilatatopetiolaris is a sundew in the section Lasiocephala. The species is named for its (very slightly) dilated petioles. D. dilatatopetiolaris has long, leaves that form a raised rosette. During…
Utricularia circumvoluta is a species of bladderwort most notable for its twining flower scape. The species has small, light yellow flowers roughly half a centimeter large. The lower corolla lip…
Utricularia chrysantha is a terrestrial bladderwort native to monsoonal northern Australia. The species is named in reference to its yellow blooms. U. chrysantha is widely variable in both colour and…
Utricularia caerulea is a bladderwort widely distributed across Asia and Australia. In Australia, it occurs in warmer parts of Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and Northern NSW. The species is…
Utricularia aurea is a suspended aquatic bladderwort with a wide distribution across Asia to Australia. In Australia, it inhabits warmer and wetter areas from Western Australia spreading south east towards…
Utricularia arnhemica is a species of affixed aquatic-semiaquatic bladderwort native to the Northern Territory. As its name suggests, it is mostly found on the Arnhem escarpment in the Top End.…
Byblis aquatica is a species native to monsoonal northern Australia. The species is named for its preference for waterlogged niches. The species is small in size, with an active rosette…
Byblis liniflora is a species native to tropical northern Australia. It is named for its flowers, which resemble that of flax. The species is small to medium in size, reaching…
Utricularia quinquedentata is a terresterial bladderwort endemic to tropical northern Australia. The species is most notable for its diminuitive size. U. quinquedentata is named for the five lobes of the…