Drosera nana Species Profile
Drosera nana is a diminutive sundew in the section Arachnopus ('indica complex'). It's specific name refers to its small size, with plants typically reaching less than 10 cm in maturity.…
Drosera nana is a diminutive sundew in the section Arachnopus ('indica complex'). It's specific name refers to its small size, with plants typically reaching less than 10 cm in maturity.…
Utricularia capilliflora is a terrestrial bladderwort endemic to the Top End of Australia. The species is named for the hair-like appendages on its flower. These antennae extend from the upper…
Drosera kenneallyi is a sundew in the section Lasiocephala (the Petiolaris complex) endemic to the Kimberleys of Western Australia and the Top End of the Northern Territory. The species has…
U. gibba is an aquatic bladderwort with a global distribution. In Australia, it is mainly found along the coast of northern and eastern Australia. The foliage of U. gibba is…
Drosera burmannii is mostly distributed in tropical Asia and Australia. In these environments, it responds to strong wet-dry seasonalities. The species is a strict annual in nature, and typically expends…
A natural hybrid occurs in Melbourne between Drosera hookeri and D. auriculata. The sepals of the hybrid are slightly hairy, in contrast with those of D. hookeri, which are densely…
Are the sepals hairy or smooth? Smooth sepals. Go to 2. Hairy sepals. Go to 3. 2. Are the seeds long or round? Long seed. Drosera auriculata. Rounded seed. Drosera…
In the last months of 2020, I ventured into the Victorian countryside to document the carnivorous plants that grow there. I found several newly described taxa and learned so much…
The taxonomy of Drosera gracilis is complex and controversial. Over the years, it has drifted in and out of synonymy with Drosera peltata depending on the differing concepts of speciation…
In the last months of 2020, I ventured into the Victorian countryside to document the carnivorous plants that grow there. I found several newly described taxa and learned so much…