Drosera aberrans is a tuberous sundew found in the south east of mainland Australia in Victoria and South Australia.
Drosera aberrans has a small rosette of flat lying leaves around 3-5 cm in diameter. The leaves range from green to deep red, depending on light exposure and genetics. lowers emerge in late winter. The flowers are white and are borne as single blooms on scapes. It readily multiplies asexually through the formation of adventitious stolons, forming large clonal colonies of rosettes.
The species grows in a wide range of ecosystems and soil types including heathland, shaded forests and exposed moss gardens atop rock. The species is summer dormant, emerging in autumn every year. D. aberrans is closely related to the other rosetted tuberous sundews in the D. whittakeri complex. It is distinguished by its propensity to form large clonal colonies, smaller size and fewer flowers.