Drosera afra is a rosetted sundew endemic to South Africa. It is mainly known from mountainous seepages in the Western Cape.
Drosera afra has small flat-lying rosettes around 3-4 cm in diameter. The leaves are long and strappy. The flower scape is tall and covered with glands. The flowers are usually pink. The plants are often vivid red in nature. The species grows in mountainous areas of the Western Cape, where it usually inhabits shallow substrates on seepages.
Drosera afra is most similar to D. acaulis but differs in that its flower scapes are tall (D. acaulis has very short flower scapes). It often occurs alongside D. trinervia but differs in that its larger, has a more sparse rosette and usually has pink flowers (D. trinervia is smaller, has a fuller rosette and usually has white flowers).