Drosera moorei is a sundew known for its yellow flowers and red scrambling stem.
Drosera moorei has a thin stem that grows to around 35 cm in length. This stem is glabrous, thin and not self-supporting, relying on surrounding vegetation to scramble upon. In the absence of a support, the plants will scramble along the ground. The petals, styles and stamens are sulfur yellow in coloration. The styles are dendritic in structure. The sepals are greenish-yellow and glabrous. Towards the end of the season and in wetter or shadier microniches, reproductive stolons often emerge from the leaf axils. Tubers are formed at the end of the stolons.
The sundew is endemic to semi-arid regions of Western Australia, from west of Kalgoorlie down through to Cape Arid. It grows on the winter-wet washes at the base of large granite outcrops. Flowering occurs in spring as the ground begins to dry out, before the plants retreat back to a dormant tuber over summer.
Drosera moorei is fairly similar to the other yellow-flowered scrambling sundews of southern Western Australia. It is easily distinguished by its glabrous sepals and stems (D. subhirtella has hairy sepals and stems, D. intricata has hairy sepals and glabrous stems).