A probable hybrid between Utricularia barkeri and U. dichotoma dominates the Victoria Valley in the Grampians. At this particular site, the vigorous hybrid seemed to have outcompeted both parent species.
The Utricularia barkeri parentage confers prominent ‘shoulder’ ridges flanking the palate, and bracts with distinct upper and lower parts and which are attached at the middle (basisolute; medifixed). The U. dichotoma parentage contributes a rounder lower corolla lobe shape. The upper corolla lobe is variably speckled amongst specimens (those of U. barkeri always has speckles whereas substantial patterning is rare in U. dichotoma subsp. maritima).
The plants grew in the wide, heathy floodplain of the Glenelg River and came to bloom as the floodwaters had begun to recede, leaving large stretches of inundated sand.