Utricularia brachyceras is a tiny annual bladderwort endemic to South Africa. The species has blooms that reach around half a centimetre in length. The lower corolla lip is white, with two broad lobes that are sometimes ruffled at the edges. The upper corolla lip has purple vertical stripes. The palate is touched with a bit of yellow.
Utricularia brachyceras grows in shallow seepages atop sandstone in the Cederberg Mountains and Gifberg. These seepages are wet in winter but dry out during summer. The species often grows in association with Drosera alba. In nature, it persists as an annual species.
Utricularia brachyceras is distinguished from U. bisquamata by its purple-striped upper corolla lip and flat middle of the flower (U. bisquamata lacks prominent striping and has obvious humps at the middle of the bloom).