Utricularia uniflora is a terrestrial species of bladderwort native to New South Wales and Tasmania on Australia’s east coast.

Utricularia uniflora is named for its generally one-flowered scapes. The species blooms during spring and summer, often in attractive groupings of plants. U. uniflora is easily identifiable by the lower corolla palate, which features two prominent yellow ridge-like protuberances flanked either side by a white winged protuberances (one or two additional pairs of ridges are also usually present). The lower corolla lip is generally flared upwards at the extremities, although large petalled specimens may form a downwards hanging skirt. The leaves of the species are small and round. The bladder traps are subterranean.

Utricularia uniflora grows in association with sandstone substrates. It is usually found in some type of seepage environment, whether it be on the cliff faces of hanging swamps, smaller seepages in heathland and trackside ditches. It can also be found on the banks of shallow creeks and the edge of swamps. Records of the species in the state of Victoria are dubious, although it may possibly inhabit the coastal border region with NSW.