Back in June, I went camping in the northern section of the Wilsons Promontory. This area primarily comprises of coastal heathland, with a sections of swamp and Banksia forest. Drosera auriculata was the most common taxon, with several forms growing together. The olive green coloured plants were at early flowering phase whereas the darker red coloured ones had just started sending up stems.

Drosera pygmaea occupied seepages and the road cut and looked wonderful – sporting a full set of leaves. Some specimens even had gemmae spilling out from the centre.

Drosera planchonii was also common amongst the heathland, especially on ridges.

Perhaps the most interesting find was Utricularia barkeri, which occurred in swampland. The population of plants at the end of the trail were already beginning to bloom, despite it being in early winter! Normally this species flowers during spring and into summer – is this climate change in action?